MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) – Military jobs are classified by codes that attaches to their specialty.

Military lingo professional#
This may be a temporary location for professional military education or training, or it may be permanent (i.e., home station). Duty Station - the geographic location at which a service member is conducting official duties.This document states all the information related to their time of service (such as assignments, awards, dates of service, etc.) as well as the type and characterization of the discharge. DD 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) - Every separated service member receives a Department of Defense (DD) Form 214 upon retirement, separation, or discharge from military service.mainland (not including Alaska or Hawaii.) CONUS - Continental United States, the 48 states on the U.S.Understanding Key Terms and Acronyms Following are explanations of some common military terms and acronyms helpful for private sector employers to know: To make things more interesting, military jargon and slang can change from region to region, and sometimes evolves over time and with different missions.