Blue buntings
Blue buntings

Another with mealworms & lastly a suet cake with corn, white millet, oats and blueberries. I have feeders out one with a songbird mix of black oil sunflower seeds, safflower, peanuts, raisins & cherries. Sighted a male outside my office window which backs up to a wooded area. Just saw my first indigo bunting in Pequot Lakes Minnesota so exciting This is the first time I have ever seen one - I looked out my window and saw it in my hanging bird feeder: First time seen one, beautiful!įirst time I’ve ever seen one! Seen foraging in the grass in both the morning and afternoon. Have seen just one, but several times at feeders. Watched a pair feed at our bird feeder around 7PM. We had goldfinches, orioles, chickadees and starlings at the feeders when the bunting arrived. Male stopped by on a branch of the brushy area where we have our various feeders (suet, loose seed, formed seed, oranges and niger). Noticed on feeder this evening in our large, open yard, and watched as he flew into the nearby wooded area. he came back the next day, but haven't seen him since. I was pleasantly surprised to see this Indigo Bunting feeding on my feeder. Simply email us at sure to include a location. The fall movement heads south back across and around the Gulf of Mexico primarily during October. Birds at the northern edge of their range in New England do not fill in their territories until late May. A wedge of arriving buntings surges north through the Mississippi River Valley and spreads out from there over the course of almost 1.5 months, a rather protracted arrival when compared to other landbirds. In late March and April the species arrives on the Gulf Coast, after crossing directly from the Yucatan. The migration of Indigo Bunting is one of our favorite examples and the STEM models really show it quite well. Of course, the lack of forest here is quite a sad thing, since the woodlands of this area used to be some of the most majestic prior to being entirely converted to agriculture. The reason for this is the broad, landscape scale habitat that dominates here (agriculture) and the comparatively tiny amount of forest in tis area, as compared to all the areas around it. A common pattern on these maps is to see that area show up as bright (e.g., Horned Lark) or dark (e.g., Brown-headed Nuthatch, Wood Thrush). The lower Mississippi River valley is a broad swath of agriculture, especially in northeastern Louisiana. Some of the fall habitat shift can be seen in the animation. In the future, we hope to be able to provide more of this data as well.

blue buntings

When we plot the monthly relative importance of deciduous forest to the predictions in these models, we find that it becomes much less important from August to October, which is a time that Indigos are leaving their Breeding areas and foraging in fields. Please keep in mind that the data that underlie the pretty animated maps are in fact much richer and reveal many additional bits of information about seasonal habitat preferences. This habitat shift-from scrublands, wood edges, and forest clearings to grasslands, agricultural areas, and weedy patches-is something that is understood by the STEM models. Females are drab and unobstrusive, as are winter-plumaged birds and immatures, which can form sizeable flocks in the fall in areas with abundant grain. Brilliant azure male Indigo Buntings sing conspicuously from high perches, telephone lines, and wood edges.

Blue buntings